This is a group picture we had taken at the base of the statue of King Victor Emanuel II of the United Italy. Each day our tour director would take a picture and post it on the Internet for parents so they could see what we were up to that day. They just forgot to tell me to tell them - so I doubt any parents checked the website. There were some great bonds of friendship that came from this trip. Casey became a friend and helped keep me centered each day. - she has a great personality and is a wonderful young lady.
There is also a picture of her
with Cody H. and several of the others in the background. Cody took over1,000 pictures on this trip.... thank goodness Reasor's is running a 10 cent a picture sale.... Jake and Brittany in front of the statue of King Victor Emanuel the II. in Venice Italy
Here they are at the oldest church in Munich. great looking group of kids..........
Hope they are having a wonderful summer.