Saturday, January 30, 2010

New weather Pictures

Since my blog yesterday we have had an additonal 9 inches of snow~~~
There are some beautiful trees across the street - hope you enjoy these pictures.  With 9 inches of snow, one lane bridges, and few "working" buses I doubt we have school on Monday.  Remember there is still a 1/2 of ice under all the snow.  We are "stuck" here in Sperry but have plenty of house projects, and as usual I have plenty of papers to grade and lesson plans to write.   Just took Sweet Potato Pecan Bread out of the oven.  Sounds good with some coffee.........

Will keep in touch.
** be sure to check out the difference in the two pictures of the patio table from earlier yesterday  morning's blog  and today **

1 comment:

judi said...

The patio table looks like a giant ice cream sandwich w/out the cookie ends! Sweet potato pecan bread sounds good...think I'll check SW Airlines and see if they have any seats left!