Saturday, July 5, 2008

I am proud to be an American

Today is a special day for me – the celebration of a ragtag group of Americans, under the rule of King George III, who took it upon themselves (the arrogance of them) to say “We wish to make the following declarations”. If you really look at the Declaration of Independence, beyond the preamble, you will find that it is a basic statement of complaints. We find that the king did this, or that England did that – 27 of the 32 paragraphs deal with complaints. But what were we really trying to say. Basically = we are old enough to be on our own. Scary thought given the climate of the late 1700’s. But they were willing to sacrifice everything they had = to obtain the simple concept that when decisions are made then everyone should have representation in that decision. The Revolution came on the heels of the Enlightenment period in Europe and, believe me I teach how terrified each of the monarchs was because of what was going on in “those Colonies”.
Think about it – those 13 colonies flatly said to one of the most powerful nations in the world at that time “we don’t need no stinking king”. Granted the English did not take it all that well, I mean after all they did send ships, and soldiers to “put us in our place”. But sometimes you can destroy the strongest ship by simply removing the smallest pieces.

I have taught American Government for the past 18 years. The past few years I have had the pleasure of teaching Advanced Placement United States Government which allows me the ability to really spend time on “What is America”. But for each class my daily statement is “Popular Sovereignty”. What is it and why is it important in your life?

There are 2 things that people in the United States do not always remember.

First Popular Sovereignty: means that the power of the government lies in the hands of the people. The Government literally can not do anything without the people’s permission. Let’s say that Congress writes a law requiring all of us to shave our heads on Tuesdays. WE THE PEOPLE contact our president and have him veto the bill. But lets say he doesn’t – WE THE PEOPLE still have another option – take the bill to the Supreme Court and say it violates our basic principles of freedom of choice to shave or not. Or lets say we want something – all we have to do is contact our representatives and, with a little pressure, we can usually get it done. If not; we always have the power of the vote………… ah…. The power of the vote.

Second – VOTE!!!!! America you do not realize how powerful that simple act of punching a button, pulling a cord, or yes Florida even punching a hole, has on the life we live today. I preach and preach to my students how important voting it. It is the act of choosing your representative on the local, state and federal level. It is also the ONLY TRUE RIGHT TO PRIVACY you have as Americans. The government can find out 99.9% of what you do with your life, and they can control about 75% of your life through federal regulations BUT…….. they can not regulate, or find out how you voted! Think about the last time you went to vote – you sign it (but it doesn’t say how you voted), you get a ballot (but there is no record of which ballot is yours), and you go into a secluded voting both or slot to mark your ballot. I have never understood people who then walk out and tell the news media how they voted. Why would you discount your one true right to privacy??? No where in the Constitution does it say you have a right to privacy, but you have to believe in your heart that the ACT of VOTING is the one right to privacy that the founding fathers gave you without having to tie it down with regulation and bylaws, and all the government double speak. It is a simple, pure right. VOTE!!!!!

Lord, we have a number of problems in our nation today. Left, right, straight, gay, 1st amendment advocate, anti everything, civil rights civil liberties, the rights of the one outweighing the rights of the many. I think we have lost who and what we are. It’s like we need a NATIONAL DAY OF REMEMBERING who, what and why we are. What was it that made us great, that keeps us great, that offers the next generation hope. There are days when I want to go into class and say “Students I can not find one thing I like about our country today”……but then I remember – It was because of men like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Richard Henry Lee with 52 other brave men that I HAVE a classroom to teach in – THAT I HAVE the right to wake up and say “I Love the United States, but today I may not like it”. THAT I HAVE the right to redress my government without the fear that someone will break down my door and throw me in prison.

May GOD and the people of this nation
take a moment to look around and smile……
to say – thank you forefathers – ya done good.
Here’s to the neighborhood parade, hamburgers,
hot dogs, potato salad and watermelon.
GOD BLESS and Keep the Faith America!!!!!

Remember to take time to pray for our men and women overseas. May they stay safe and return to us soon.

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