Saturday, June 20, 2009

Part one of this year's European Tour

or the trauma of Popsicle sticks

As many of you have noted over the years my blogs tend to focus on art and architecture or sculpture. They are my loves in life – as with many of you our loves are also our secret inabilities.
Growing up I loved looking at buildings, the more unique the better. Always asking the “how” or “why” of the architect. These were the hidden dreams of a little girl traumatized by the popsicle stick..
I bet you all remember Vacation Bible School or Girl Scout Camp - a time of joy and sharing. I had fun, learned a little but mostly had fun – until the Popsicle Lady showed up and fear emerged in me like Mt. Vesuvius getting ready to explode. Why – because she was always “perky” and said “Now children today we are going to take these sticks and you are going to build a church” Ok…… Now I have said how much I loved architecture what I did not say was that getting a concept from my brain to my hands – well lets just say that connection was never made in the womb. So here I sat – looking at dozens of sticks, glue, and felt……. well after hours of trying the best I could do was make a very large star. Not exactly the church the teacher wanted I would go home defeated – why could other kids glue sticks and make reindeers, or houses and I could not……
But architecture remained in my eye, and even today; as you will see with my pictures; I still love to look at the lines, the design, the vision of the architect and hey – give them credit - apparently they knew what to do with the popsicle sticks.

Stay tuned for more pictures from London and tomorrows blog: Art truama and the Clarinet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos...but what is the middle one? The Houses of Parliament and the National Gallery I recognize, but not the round thing. Love, cous.